The Rarest Chicken Breed!?

Laying Up A Storm On Your Sunday Morning


— (That scream you do when you go out to your yard in the morning to gather your chickens).

Good morning my favorite chicken addicts.

Another Sunday? Another fresh, hot butt-nugget delivered directly to your email: BFL’s Daily Dozen Newsletter.

Here’s what’s in store for you today:

  • The Rarest Chicken Breed: Meet The Dong Tao

  • Our Favorite Rare Chicken Breed


  • Cluckin’ Good Memes

The Rarest Chicken Breed: Meet The Dong Tao

“The Dragon”, or so they’re often referred to. The Dong Tao is an incredibly rare chicken from Vietnam.

It’s most distinct feature? Do I even need to say it? Of course, it’s their chunky legs.

In fact, apparently the older, larger Dong Tao roosters can have their legs grow as thick as a man’s wrist and can grow to weigh more than 13 lbs.

Said to have once been raised only for royalty, these plus-sized models were originally bred solely as meat birds.

However, nowadays they’re considered ornamental birds and can cost more than $2000 each!

I think I’ll keep the dragon out of my backyard, thanks.

Our Favorite “Rare” Chicken Breed

Here at BFL’s Daily Dozen, we’re huge fans of chickens that naturally rock Afro hairstyles.

Silkies and Polish chooks are one of the more well-known fluffy-headed chicken breeds, but one lesser-known and “rarer” afro chicken is the mighty Sultan.

Sultans have five toes (instead of the typical four) and have feathers on their feet – much like Silkies!

But these beauties originated from southeastern Europe, and have been said to have been specifically bred for the kings of Turkey – being a sign of royalty, mirrored by their pompous, royal look!

Let Us Know If You Liked The Sultan Or The Dragon.


At BFL we want to show off our community’s chickens! After all, these loveable fluffy-butts are why we are here in the first place, right?

So we would love to see yours.

No, let me rephrase that. We NEED to see yours.

Simply reply to this email, provide a decent picture of your beloved chook, their name, and something about them and you could have your chicken featured for the whole community to see!

(By sending us your pictures you consent to us using them in the email, of course)

Cluckin’ Good Memes

See You Next Sunday!

That’s all folks!

Whether you think we’ve delivered the perfect poached egg or if it was too scrambled, we would love to know!

Send us an email letting us know your thoughts and something we could have done better!

Remember – We want to see your chickens. Like, all of them.

So don’t forget to attach a few pictures and their name for BFL’s Chicken Of The Week!


BFL’s Daily Dozen