Scientists Can Do WHAT With Chickens Eggs!?

I’ll Have An Egg & Bacon Panini To Go

Good Morning Chicken Addicts!

We’ve got a VIP, backstage ticket to a happier and more chicken-filled Sunday: The BFL Daily Dozen.

Let’s get the show started:

  • Scientists Can Do WHAT With Chickens Eggs?

  • What This New Technology Really Means

  • Did Anyone Say “Faverolles?”

  • Memes To Share Around The Flock.

Scientists Can Do WHAT With Chickens’ Eggs?

There’s a brilliant new breakthrough in the world of chickens (and it’s worth telling the neighbors about).

As of May 2023, scientists have developed a reliable technology that is able to determine the sex of a chick while it’s still in the early stages of incubation!

How’s it done?

Well, as it turns out they’re able to simply collect specific volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) through a suction cup on the eggs that effectively “sniffs” whether it’s a boy or girl embryo to more than 80% accuracy.

Okay, So What?

First of all, I don’t like that tone you’re taking with me.

“So what?”

I’ll tell you so what. Here are just some of the amazing improvements this new technology could allow in the world of chickens:

  1. It could stop the completely unnecessary slaughter of literally billions of day-old male chicks that are normally disposed of only because they cannot lay eggs!

  2. It’s a lot more humane than the normal “venting” process of sexing day-old chicks that exists today. Much less invasive and would prevent the casualties that come with this dated strategy.

  3. Chicken owners wouldn’t accidentally end up with roosters! For any chicken owners who want to hatch chicks but don’t necessarily want to raise roosters, you could order fertilized eggs that only contain females.

    This also means if you’re buying “pullets”, you can rest easy that they will indeed be females — as they could have been verified by this new technology before they even hatch!

Of course, the technology isn’t quite there yet, but it does get us plenty excited about what may be possible in the near future.

Did Someone Say Faverolles?

Alrighty, enough with the science – I want to show you something special.

Yup, it’s our absolute favorite: Faverolles chickens, one of the most entertaining chicken breeds out there!

You might think their fluffy beards, muffs, and beautiful salmon plumage are what makes them so unique, but the real treasure is in their temperament and personality.

Energetic, curious, fluffy-butted Faverolles.

These chooks originated from France in the mid-1800s, boast beautiful beards and muffs, and are pretty good egg layers too (150-200 eggs per year).

A Beautiful Faverolles Hen

Memes To Share Around The Flock

See Ya Soon!

Thanks for welcoming BFL’s Daily Dozen into your Sunday routine!

Whether you think we’ve delivered the perfect poached egg or if it was too scrambled, we would love to know!

Send us an email letting us know your thoughts and something we could have done better!

(Remember to send some chick-pics too)

See you next Sunday!
BFL’s Daily Dozen