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- Special Edition: BFL's First Daily Dozen Newsletter
Special Edition: BFL's First Daily Dozen Newsletter
Fresher Than Sunday Morning Fried Eggs
Cock A Doodle Doo!
Welcome to the first edition of BFL’s Daily Dozen, the punchy, informative, and entertaining chicken newsletter you can literally read on the way to fulfill your daily egg collection.
Unlike the mail, we do come on Sundays. We’re here with all the best chicken info to help you start your day right:
Who Are We? It’s A Community Newsletter!
BFL’s Chicken Of The Week
Quick Tip: Keep Algae Out Of Your Waterers
Cluckin’ Good Memes
Who Are We?
As this is the first publication, it’s only right to introduce myself.
My name is Blake and I’m a chicken daddy.
For real though, my passion for chickens is what’s fueled the creation of backyardfarmlife.com, our genuinely awesome chicken-keeping blog, and now this community newsletter: BFL’s Daily Dozen.
As a community newsletter, we’ll aim to bring you the best updates in the world of chickens, showcase some of YOUR very own chickens to the world (BFL’s Chicken Of The Week), and aim to provide you with as much morning entertainment as you’d get from watching your own flock.
BFL’s Chicken Of The Week
Yes, you’re looking at a somewhat blurry picture of a chicken.
But, come the next newsletter (and every newsletter to follow) you’ll get to see some of the most gorgeous, hilarious, and interesting chickens out there – all submitted by YOU, the members of the BFL Daily Dozen.
If you’ve got an exceptional chicken (let’s be honest, they all are), we want to see it!
Simply reply to this email, provide a decent picture of your beloved chook, their name, and something that makes them special and you could have your chicken featured for the whole community to see!
(By sending us your pictures you consent to us using them in the email, of course).
Quick Tip: Keep That Algae Out Of Your Chickens Water For Good!
It’s almost inevitable that every chicken owner will eventually face some issues with algae in their chicken waterers at some point in time.
Even though we like to think we keep our chicken’s waterer spic and span, it always blows my mind when I find that green tinge accumulating in it!
Well, no more.
Here’s the easiest way to rid of any algae in your chicken’s waterers for good with three easy steps.
1. Choose A Shady Spot For Your Waterer
The very wondrous way that plants grow, through photosynthesis, can also be their downfall.
By simply removing direct light from the equation, many plants including algae struggle to grow.
So, the number one most important thing you can do to prevent algae from growing in your chicken waterer is to place your waterer in a spot that remains in the shade throughout the whole day!
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
Aside from the clear benefits that apple cider vinegar brings to your chicken’s health and well-being, apple cider vinegar is a great way to prevent algae growth in your waterer.
That’s because apple cider vinegar turns the water slightly acidic, making it much less conducive to algae growth.
Using a mere tablespoon per gallon of water is enough to stave off algae growth, AND for your chickens to experience its benefits.
Yup, it’s clear that algae don’t like apples, cider, or vinegar!
3. Regular Cleaning
The green algae that grow in chicken waterers almost always come through the wind, with the small algal cells being able to move through the air.
So, it’s quite inevitable that your chicken waterer will at some point end up with algae.
That’s why it’s always worth properly and thoroughly cleaning your chicken waterer every week, giving it a proper scrub in case any budding algae or other nasties are growing on the bottom.
See all the details in our latest blog post.
Cluckin’ Good Memes
If this picture resonates with you, then I already know we are one and the same.
The reason I never play Uno anymore.
That’s It, Folks!
If you enjoyed today’s edition of the BFL’s Daily Dozen (or didn’t), we would love to know.
Send us an email letting us know your thoughts and something we could have done better. Don’t forget to include a picture of your beloved chickens for BFL’s Chicken Of The Week too!
Thanks for reading and until next time,
BFL’s Daily Dozen